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dc.contributor.advisorSoasti Toscano, Guadalupe-
dc.contributor.authorRoldán Monge, María Alexandra-
dc.identifier.citationRoldán Monge, María Alexandra. (2015). “Análisis jurídico de la proliferación de Universidades en el Ecuador, durante el periodo neoliberal 2000 – 2006”. Trabajo de investigación como requisito previo a la obtención del título de la Especialización en Gestión Pública. Quito: IAEN. 77 p.es_ES
dc.descriptionDuring the nineties, universities suffered a crisis that affected the country as well as its society, this as a result of the neoliberal model that saw in higher education a possibility for a small investment to obtain a large revenue. With the State’s endorsement and adequate and flexible laws a total of 43 universities were created in between 1993 and 2007. Thirty three of these universities were auto-financed, a fact that allows deduce that the majority of the education offered originated from the private sector which could result in the privatization of education system. Even though, the quality of higher education by then should have been guaranteed by the accreditation and certification process of the CONUEP (created in 1982), and the CONEA (created in 1998), it was the market that became the regulatory entity of the organization and university supply, under the basic economic model of the supply and demand. The present research also covers investigations of the political power from those times which allowed without mayor struggles, the creation of institution for higher education. This monopolized the way of the academic supply in the private sector, sector which represented the majority of the political parties in the congress (nowadays called as National Assembly). The effects of this political practice were reflected later and during many years ahead in the university in areas such as the academic level, the administration and the infrastructure. Nowadays, the higher education after been evaluation by the CONEA is turning into a strength not only in an academic level but also in a productive level for the country. This is a consequence of the university’s compromise in processes such as social development, technology, energy and administrative processes. On top of this, the infrastructure has also improved and its human talent potentiality; even so that nowadays nine thousand million dollars have been invested, ten thousand students are out of the country with scholarships and great education centers have been created, such as Yachay, Ikiam, the University of the Arts and the University National of the Education. This investment encompasses all the levels of education and is characterized by the active participation of the State, staying far away from the neoliberal model that took away participation of the State in these topics and that also promoted the privatization of Education.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa Universidad en los noventa sufrió una crisis que afectó a la sociedad y al país, esto como producto del modelo neoliberal que vio en la Educación Superior un sector en el que se podía hacer una mínima inversión para obtener grandes ganancias. Con la venia del Estado y con leyes adecuadas de manera legal se crearon un total de 43 universidades entre el año 1993 y 2007, 33 de ellas eran universidades autofinanciadas, deduciendo que la mayor oferta educativa provenía del sector privado lo que conllevaría a la privatización de la educación. La calidad de la educación superior debía estar garantizada por procesos de acreditación y certificación a través del CONUEP (creado en 1982) y del CONEA (creado en 1998); sin embargo fue el mercado quien se convirtió en el ente regulador de la organización y oferta universitaria bajo el básico modelo económico de la oferta y la demanda. La educación superior luego de que fuera evaluada por el CONEA se está convirtiendo en una fortaleza académica y productiva del país, puesto que la Universidad se compromete en procesos de desarrollo social, tecnológico, energético, administrativo; además, ha mejorado su infraestructura y su potencialidad del talento humano, tanto así que actualmente se han invertido nueve mil millones de dólares en becas y creación de centros de educación superior como Yachay, Ikiam, Universidad de las Artes, la Universidad Nacional de Educación, inversión que abarca a la educación en todos sus niveles caracterizando la participación activa del Estado muy lejos del modelo neoliberal.es_ES
dc.format.extent77 páginases_ES
dc.publisherQuito, Ecuadores_ES
dc.title“Análisis jurídico de la proliferación de Universidades en el Ecuador, durante el periodo neoliberal 2000 – 2006”es_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Especialización en Gestión Pública (TS)

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